Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Is There A Link Between Lyme And Cancer Vitamin B 12 Deficiency And Post Lyme Disease?

Vitamin B 12 deficiency and post Lyme disease? - is there a link between lyme and cancer

Went on antibiotics and now I'm out of them. I still had a headache and fatigue, it is sometimes difficult to focus himself. I have a blood test and no evidence of active Lyme in my system. So I do not know what was happening. I have to take supplements of vitamin B 12 and implemented to improve these symptoms.

Is there a connection between vitamin B12 deficiency and Lyme disease bacteria?


TheSquar... said...

To speed up some common features of modern life, the decline in serum vitamin B12 of life, including the following:

Microwave for in an essay degenerates * Microwave Milk 30% to 40% of vitamin B12 in milk in six minutes, with conventional heating, cooking 25 minutes, it takes the quantities needed for B12. (67) is even more important to heat the microwave oven destroys all the enzymes in food that are necessary for the absorption and utilization of food. Thus, food in the microwave, which are both at home and in restaurants and takeaway food, tens of millions of Americans more vulnerable to AD, and cancer.

* The food intake of vitamin B12-West transactions usually among the millions of people for decades as low asRDA-walled, however, vitamins and minerals depleted, processed Western diet, which also major causes of disease creation of free radicals. (69) only very small amounts of omega-3 fatty acids in the Western diet, harmful in many ways, it should also help to produce adequate amounts of vitamin B12. (70) Omega-3 supplements may increase a large portion of their profits with vitamin B12. At low levels of acetyl carnitine and folic acid also appear to increase the risk of disease. (71.72) Note that in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease, a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) has been shown that they could delay or even prevent, Alzheimer's disease. (73) at a reduced cost, can easily absorb DHA from fish oil or [liver] COD CarlsonOil. It is also noted, the role of trans-fatty acids (TFA) for products with "trans fat", with the approval of the EPA. In a study of more than 800 seniors in high TFA were twice as likely to suffer from symptoms of Alzheimer's disease compared to those with the lowest consumption of TFA ( access 2/17/06).

* insufficient hydrochloric acid usually results from a deficiency of vitamin B12 directly from hypochlorhydria - insufficient hydrochloric acid (HCl) into the stomach - or achlorhydria - HCI in general. The acid should be sufficient to dissolve a nail in one hour concentrated. (77) hypochlorhydria probably caused by zinc and vitamin B6 (78) and a lack of calcium ions. (79.80) (t are two gapsypically present in the elderly.) lack of sufficient pepsin or HCl in the stomach on the relationship between vitamin B12 and carrier protein typically atrophic gastritis shows create. (81.82) both are risk factors for stomach cancer. (83), the incomplete digestion of foods due to hypochlorhydria and low pepsin production can later be involved in allergic asthma.

Just said...

You do not have Lyme. If you have any infections of Lyme sxs or cooperation. No testing is needed, to determine whether or not! Many peple who suffer from this disease also suffer from vitamin B-12 and calcium, magnesium and other essential goods.

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