Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Funny Serial Pictures Are These Funny Or Probably True?

Are these funny or probably true? - funny serial pictures

Redneck computer terms

-------------------------------------- ...
BACKUP - What do you do if you have a skunk in the woods
Barcode - rules they fight'n to the local tavern
BUG - The reason for sick
BYTE - What your pitbull Dun Cusin Jethro
Cache - required if you are using food stamps
CHIP - Pasture muffins that are not involved in step
ADMINISTRATION - time to call the undertaker
CRASH - If you are in the junior party Uninvited
DIGITAL - The art of counting on the fingers
Diskette - Female Disco Dancer
FAX - What about the IRS
HACKER - Uncle Leroy after 32 years of smoking
VERSION - when selecting tattoos Photos
Internet - Where cafeteriaWorkers put their hair
KEYBOARD - the key hanging on the John Deere
MAC - Favorite fast food Big Bubba's
Megahertz - How your head feels after the 17th Beer
MODEM - What if the grass and weeds are too high
Mousepad - Where Mickey and Minnie live
RED - Scoop'n a big fish before it breaks the line
ONLINE - Where to stay when taking the sobriety test
ROME - where the pope lives
SCREEN - Helps the Skeeter Veranda
Serial Port - A red wine you drink with breakfast
Superconductor - Amtrak's Employee of the Year -
SCSI - What you as your week old underwear


JAM123 said...

Ha ha ha. "
They are great Chris will tell my colleagues this evening in the pub. "
10/10. "
Cheers for a good laugh. "

crazyazz... said...

hahahahahahahaha ............

hahahahahahahahahaha ...........

hahahahahahhahaahaha ............

hahahahahahahahahaha ........

hahahahahhaahahahahahaha .........

serious fun!

Maria B said...

Hahaha Very good!

Tehseen B said...

Stars .... Fun for Ur efforts to make us laugh .... Chris LOl

Twin Mammy of Logan and Aleisha! said...

very funny and very true!

Mrs. Vesic said...

Saving ... xD
Bloody brilliant! xD

Have a star for that! *

ME said...

Sooooo funny two thumbs upward

Prodigal Son said...

Funny and very true, yes.

Abdiel said...


flygirl6... said...

Funny, and yes, it is probably true for some.

Babette said...

They were great!



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