Sunday, January 31, 2010

Palpitations Of The Heart In Toddlers How Do I Get Heart Palpitations Under Control?

How do i get heart palpitations under control? - palpitations of the heart in toddlers

I had heart palpitations for some time. Often. Any advice would be appreciated.


flaminre... said...

Palpitations are caused by a group of irritability of the heart tissue. I had palpitations for years and I know that if I drink a lot, after the worst. The best advice I have for you a look at reducing the causes of your beating heart and the Goblet of Fire in your life, or at least. I drink a 20 oz soda once a day and have no problem with it, but if I smoke start drinking soda all the time and like a chimney, then worse. Something that also works when you take a deep breath and walk away. If you are very stressed or not eating well and sleeping well worsen May. But you should see such a document could be the precursor of a serious cardiac arrhythmias.

Anonymous said...

You should see a doctor!

gntogeth... said...

Are there other symptoms? Pain? Shortness of breath? Right ?......... a sweat first with stop drinking caffeine. If there are problems in your life somewhere, and much stress ........ might fear. Smokers .... nothing. Drink lots of water to be drained as coukd. Do not drink and energy drinks or pills ............ Diet pills not good. Take a multivitamin? Do you get any exercise? Before exercising, but do not really need to see ....... Doctor to ensure that there is something wrong with his heart.

loobyloo said...

When I was sixteen, I went to my doctor about my heart palpitations. She asked me my age and then asked if I had a boyfriend.
I said yes.
She said that when I was sixteen and had a friend, I would even heart palpitations.
That is how they took me seriously.
Therefore, I ask you, how old are you?
Do you have a boyfriend?
Are you overweight?
Drink lots of coffee?
Do you smoke?
If the answer is "yes" to all three above-mentioned questions, you should consult your doctor.
How do I manage them?
Stay calm breathe deeply, remain in force.
Hope this helps!

Granny Good Witch said...

The vitamin shop [no CNG] and a competent person who works there if they are complements, herbs, perhaps a lack of nutrients. You can try to calm a natural alternative. I try to stay from doctors of conventional medicine. They treat the symptoms and keep you informed about drugs. Do not smoke. Cell Salts can help. Find a holistic therapist. Hope this helps.

mrcricke... said...

Never attempt a cough?

marky said...

Avoid drinks with caffeine or drink that contains caffeine, a stimulant. Then you should see his cardiologist. You can experience abnormal levels of electrolytes, especially potassium, magnesium, calcium. You should not assume it is to have his heart.

loveshy3... said...

I would like to see a doctor sweety. This is really not a problem in Yahoo Answers. This could be worse than you know.

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